Viking Crew (as part of the Viking Maritime Group) is an approved MLC Recruitment and Placement Service Provider, accredited by the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
Below is some helpful advice and guidance to assist candidates in being aware of their rights and protection in line with Maritime Labour Convention, MLC 2006.
Viking Crew will prohibit the use of any mechanisms, means or blacklists which are intended to prevent or deter qualified seafarers from gaining employment. We do not discriminate and welcome applications from all candidates.
Viking Crew will not charge candidates any costs, either direct or indirectly during the placement process.
Any costs such as visas required for travel, and air tickets to travel are covered by the vessel under MLC. If you are asked to cover these costs you will be reimbursed once you have commenced employment.
Individual Seafarers Employment Agreements (SEA’s) are required to comply with all applicable  laws and regulations and will include terms and conditions of employment as well as any Collective Bargaining Agreement that may apply. Together these should not be any less favourable than the minimum standards as set out in MLC.
MLC gives the candidate the right of sufficient time to study the content before accepting and signing an SEA with the vessel. Candidate should also receive a copy of the SEA for their records.
You should be sure that all sections of the SEA are completed correctly and acceptable to you as the seafarer.
It should also be noted that Viking Crew ensure, as far as is practical that the vessel is financially able to fulfil their obligations to you, with applicable insurance and protection in place, providing sufficient cover as per MLC.
Should you have any complaint or grievance, following placement by Viking Crew you should firstly follow the complaints procedure as outlined onboard the vessel that you are employed on.
If you are unable to remedy with the onboard procedure, please email us at Alternatively you can contact the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) by email at
If you would like to view our MLC Certificate, please contact us by emailing